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August: the Month of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

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July is the Month of the Precious Blood.  The Feast of the Precious Blood takes place on July 1st.​


Devotions for July, Month of the Precious Blood

ANTIPHON.  Thou hast redeemed us, O Lord, in Thy Blood, out of every tribe, and tongue, and people, and nation; and hast made us a kingdom to our God.

V. God hath graced us in His beloved Son.

R. In Whom we have redemption through His blood.


Let us Pray

ALMIGHTY, and eternal God, Who didst appoint Thine only-begotten Son the Redeemer of the world, and didst will to be appeased by His Blood, grant, we beseech Thee, that we may so honor this, the price of our Redemption, and, by its virtue, be so defended from the evils of our present life on earth, as to enjoy its fruit in heaven forevermore. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.


Offerings in Reparation for Outrages to the Precious Blood of Jesus

1. Eternal Father! I offer Thee the merits of the most Precious Blood of Jesus, Thy beloved Son and my divine Redeemer, for the propagation and exaltation of my dear Mother the holy Church, for the safety and prosperity of her visible head, the holy Roman Pontiff, for the Cardinals, Bishops, and pastors of souls, and for all the ministers of the sanctuary. 

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. 

Blessed and praised for evermore be Jesus, Who hath saved us with His Blood!


2. Eternal Father! I offer Thee the merits of the most Precious Blood of Jesus, Thy beloved Son and my divine Redeemer, for the peace and concord of kings and Catholic princes, for the humiliation of the enemies of the holy faith, and for the happiness of all Christian people.

Glory be to the Father, etc.
Blessed and praised, etc.


3. Eternal Father! I offer Thee the merits of the Precious Blood of Jesus, Thy well-beloved Son, my Saviour and my God, for the repentance of unbelievers, for the uprooting of heresy, and for the conversion of sinners.

Glory be to the Father, etc.

Blessed and praised, etc.


4. Eternal Father!  I offer Thee the merits of the Precious Blood of Jesus, Thy well-beloved Son, my Saviour and my God, for all my kindred, friends, and enemies; for the poor, the sick, and wretched, and for all for whom Thou, my God, knowest that I ought to pray, or wouldst have me pray.

Glory be to the Father, etc.

Blessed and praised, etc.


5. Eternal Father! I offer Thee the merits of the Precious Blood of Jesus, Thy well-beloved Son, my Saviour and my God, for all who, this day, are passing to the other life; that Thou wouldst save them from the pains of hell, and admit them quickly to the possession of Thy glory.

Glory be to the Father, etc.

Blessed and praised, etc.


6. Eternal Father! I offer Thee the merits of the Precious Blood of Jesus, Thy well-beloved Son, my Saviour and my God, for all those who love this great treasure, for those who join with me in adoring it and honoring it, and who strive to spread devotion to it.

Glory be to the Fatber, etc.

Blessed and praised, etc.


7. Eternal Father! I offer Thee the merits of the Precious Blood of Jesus, Thy well-beloved Son, my Saviour and my God, for all my wants,  spiritual and temporal, in aid of the holy souls in Purgatory, and chiefly for those who most loved this Blood, the price of our Redemption, and who were most devout to the sorrows and pains of most holy Mary, our dear Mother.

Glory be to the Father, etc.

Blessed and praised, etc.


Glory be to the Blood of Jesus, now and forever, and throughout all ages. Amen.

(Ind. of 3 years.)


Ejaculatory Offering of the Precious Blood

ETERNAL Father! I offer Thee the Precious Blood of Jesus in satisfaction for my sins, and in supplication for the holy souls in purgatory and for the wants of holy Church.

(Ind. of 500 days.)​​​​

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